Only a couple more days to get on your Open team. You know if you don’t you’re going to regret it come next Friday. Follow the link in Wodify and get your name on a roster.
Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, PVC mobility as a class
The Port snatch warm-up with emphasis on catching in the power position
Power snatch – build to a TnG 5 rep
*weight should be challenging, but shouldn’t jeopardize form
Some good old fashioned TnG reps. Footwork and catch position are going to be the two main priorities. Having to catch lower and lower each rep, the feet shouldn’t go wider but rather the hips should catch lower. Just because it is a power snatch doesn’t mean your knees shouldn’t bend.
With your partner, complete all of the work assigned.
400 DU’s
200 sit-ups
100/80 cals AB
One partner working at a time and you cannot move on until all of one movement is completed. Be smart on how you split these movements up because too many reps will catch up with you.