WOD – Thursday 2/8

Sign into Wodify and spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds
50′ bear crawl
5 Samson stretches
10 KB swings
5 inchworms

Posterior chain prep for the strength

Deadlift – 3×3; AHAP. Must be TnG.
Short session. So go as heavy as you can. Between 85 and 90% for all three sets. Rest as need between. At least 2:00.

“The Port Open Test”
20 min AMRAP
35 wall balls (20/14#)
35 box jumps (24/20”)
30 T2B
30 cals row
25 clean and jerks (135/95#)
25 burpees
20 HSPU’s
20 power snatches
15 muscle-ups
Oh boy. Difference between everyday training and a true test of fitness is in the detail of the workout. A benchmark or testing workout would include a funnel which slows down a large population of athletes. This funnel can be in the form of a high skill gymnastic movement or a heavy barbell. Some will breeze through, some will struggle in some of the movements but keep moving, while others will hit a wall that they cannot overcome. That is how the Open goes. Make sure you understand that idea. Unlike a normal training day, a testing day is required to be approached much differently.

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