WOD – Thursday 2/4

500m row, then CFP clean warm-up;
2 rounds, increasing in intensity (I’d recommend a BB)
5 down and finish with high pull
5 muscle cleans
5 high hang power cleans
5 hang power cleans
5 front squats

Front rack, pigeon and spiderman

Clean and Jerk – 12 minutes to find a heavy single
In the 12 minutes, you and your partner must each find a 1RM.
*all rules apply to partner lifting!
1. Cannot attempt until all weights are neatly stacked
2. You must declare your weight before lifting
3. Only one person lifting at a time
4. Bar must be in control at all times, even while dropping weight from OH

2 minute rest between strength and WOD. Make sure bar is set up for 2nd AMRAP

With a partner, alt rounds…
10 min AMRAP of “Cindy”
5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 squats

Rest 2:00

10 min AMRAP
150m row
10 wall balls (20/14#)
5 power cleans (155/105#)(135/95#)

Cool down
Spend some time cooling down and recovering.

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