1. March madness is here and once again Tom Mita has done the duties of setting up the CrossFit Portsmouth bracket challenge. If you’d like to take part, simply follow the link provided and join before the tournament starts
$5 buy in. Winner take all. There’s an envelope on Sophie’s desk for the buy in $. Please write your name on the envelope so we know that you’ve paid.
Password: spartan.
2. Today, Thursday 3/16 is the first session of PortX, and it’s going to be a good one. There are 2 spots in the am class (8am) if you want to swing by and see what it’s all about.
3. I am going to post a very specific, detailed accessory work session on Mondays/Wednesdays and Fridays or Saturdays for those of you who want a little more post class. We will be freeing up a little time in class to allow for everything to get it’s deserved time. Which means much less A1/A2 strengths, with more fun stuff to partake in after everything is said and done.
Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, group dynamic mobility
Emphasize full, explosive movements
Full mobility blitz, get after all the things
Take the time to warm-up the clean and to chose a scale for rope climbs
Good moment to work on technique for these
“Two Dances”
30 min AMRAP
W/a partner…
100 cals AB
80 SA DB S2OH(50/35#)(35/20#)
60 cals on the rower (each)
40 power cleans (155/105#)(135/95#)
200 DU’s
10 rope climbs
*S2OH are single arm, each partner must do 40 (20L/20R), split however you want.
**cals on rower are each, must row 30 at a time.
Cool Down
Spend 5 minutes
Spinderman, couch and hurdler