WOD – Thursday 4/11

3 to 5 rounds
:30 AB
10 deadlifts
10 hang cleans
10 front squats

Posterior chain prep for power clean

Power clean – build to a heavy single in 6 to 8 attempts total
Competition setting, 5 minutes to warm-up and then 10 minutes for all 3 team members to find a 1RM. Plan out your weight changes accordingly and make sure you and your team have a plan. Between the warm-up and lifting session, do not try any more than 8 heavy lifts.

“On Tour”
25 min AMRAP, teams of 3
1200m run (200m relay)
60 deadlifts (185/125#)(165/105#)
90 over/unders
60 dips
So teams of 3 here but only one person working at a time. There is a specific way you have to split up the run, but all the other work can be done in any way you want. You must complete all of the prior work to move on. Look out for a movement video for the over/unders.

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