Our April monthly challenge is back and we are going to bring it this month. Murph is coming up and coming up fast. This month’s challenge is to complete the work of a half Murph each week. This can be split up however you want over the course of the seven days. The goal is to complete 1 mile worth of running, 50 pull-ups, 100 push-ups, and 150 air squats. If you complete your half Murph, add your name to the whiteboard with a check for week one. Each week
If you are someone who wants to add running in with a little purpose behind it, look into our endurance program. It is a 6-week programming cycle that helps you work on your engine and it has been written using a rower and a bike, but could be modified to incorporate running instead.
Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, PVC and OHS mobility series
Squat snatch OR weightlifting complex – 1 power snatch + 1 OHS; build
We will be doing a lot more Olympic lifting on Thursdays. So if your goal this year is to get more comfortable moving a barbell explosively and landing underneath it confidently. Start showing up. Today you will have the option of squat snatching or completing a power snatch + an OHS. No matter what you chose, footwork is going to be your major point of focus. If they are consistent, you will fail lifts because of it.
“SQUAT Team”
18 min AMRAP
Partner 1 – ME cal AB
Partner 2 – completes
10 pull-ups
5 burpees
10 power snatches (95/65#)(75/55#)
You switch when the last snatch is completed. Score is reps plus cals.
Partner 1 is on the assault bike cranking away at calories. Partner 2 is working through the pull-ups, burpees, and snatches. When partner 2 completes the 10th snatch partner 1 can get off the bike, but cannot start the pull-ups until partner 2 starts pedaling. Shorter partner WOD in terms of actual minutes, but with virtually no rest, this one is going to take every it of teamwork.