WOD – Thursday 4/20

See that handsome face in the CFP shirt?

Throwback Thursday to the best certification course I have taken, Aerobic Capacity. The next session of PortFit classes will focus on getting better at those high skill gymnastics movements. BUT, the last session of the class will be devoted to building your engine using the assault bikes, the rowers and your running sneakers. Make sure to email Sophie if you’re interested because spots are filling up fast for these two.

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
PVC mobility as a class
Then, CFP snatch warm-up
Strong emphasis on snatch balance and OHS

With your partner, 15 minutes to find a max weight in the complex.
Weightlifting complex – snatch + 1 hang snatch + 1 OHS
This is a complex we see a lot so there should be data in Wodify. The reason why I like this one so much is it truly identifies issues with footwork. People who are shuffling their feet around too much or people who don’t move their feet at all really suffer because the complex will sniff it out. Make sure you use the warm-up as an opportunity to start to reinforce good mechanics and perfect footwork.

Partner WOD
“Firmness and Comfort”
2 rounds AFAP
100 cals AB
75 DB front rack lunges
50 burpees
25 DB squat clean thrusters (40/30#)(30/20#)

Cool down
Pigeon and spiderman
3 minutes on a foam roller

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