Spend the first 10 minutes of class rowling, unless you are in the 4:15. Then we all know exactly what you are going to be doing during the first 10 minutes.
Round 1 – air squats
Round 2 – sit-ups
Round 3 – push-ups
Round 4 – pull-ups or ring rows
Round 5 – burpees
A1. SA DB/KB push press – 4x6e; AHAP
A2. SL DB RDL’s – 4x6e; form over weight
The single arm push press is simple. It’s what we normally do, but unilaterally. The RDL’s are tricky. The arm holding the DB should be the opposite of the one on the ground. Movement is critical, not the weight of the DB. Keep in mind you do not need to touch the ground to complete each rep. Single leg and single arm. Word of the week. Contralateral.
20 minute AMRAP w/partner
50/40 cal row
50 burpees
50/35 cals AB
50 T2B
What’s the plan?