WOD – Thursday 5/23

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 4 min AMRAP
10 G2OH w/light plate
10 OH walking lunges
10t Russian twists

Quick joint mobility

Hollow hold
Scissor kicks
Two TABATA’s back to back with a 2-minute rest in between. Please be aware of what a true hollow position feels like. Just because it is hard doesn’t mean you are doing it right. Engage the core and eliminate the space between your lower back and the ground.

3 rounds in teams of 3
1200m run (200m at a time)
60 burpee box overs with a plate
Movement of the week for sure. There are going to be a ton of high boxes set-up when you come in. 44” for the guys and 40” for the girls will be the “Rx” height, but anything high will get the job done. To complete one of these, you will do a burpee to a plate, a plate to overhead, put the plate on top of the box, use your arms to get up and over the box and then take the plate off. That is going to be one. Who says fitness isn’t fun.

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