WOD – Thursday 7/6

Last month we didn’t quite make it to our goal of 25 hours in the L-sit position. In fact, we were pretty far off, only 8 hours accumulated throughout the whole month. That’s not from lack of commitment from a choice few. There were some that spent time every day working on their L-sit. That’s amazing.

This month we are going to need all hands on deck. We are going to try to earn 25,000 calories on an assault bike. That means any time before or after class, come in and hop on a bike. I will be posting some mini WOD’s that you can do as accessory work, but warm-ups and workouts do not count towards this goal, the calories must be extra credit. Scoring will be done the same way, name on the board with however many calories you earned that day, we will total them up weekly. Let’s go get this one.

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds
10 straight leg deadlifts
10 front squats
10 strict press/push press/push jerks

Foam roll the adductors
Pigeon, Spiderman and child’s pose

Deadlift – 3×4@70%
*same weight as last week for 3 sets of 4, should be doable meaning we shouldn’t be failing.

“Just hanging”
5 rounds
5 push jerks (165/115#)(135/95#)
10 pull-ups
15/12 cal AB
Rest 1:00
Weight on the push jerk should be heavy but should be unbroken. Really challenge yourselves on the weight you choose.
A big source of scaling in this workout will be the time spent on the assault bike. And in order for it to produce the right stimulus, we shouldn’t be spending any more than 1:00 on the bike. That means if you do not earn the number of calories written for the workout in the minute given, you should change your goal. It’s just like scaling weight on the bar, we do it for the same reason.

Cool down
Spend 5:00 with a foam roller

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