WOD – Thursday 8/24

SUMMER PARTY this Saturday!
Great Island Common in New Castle
Pot Luck BBQ
Stop by anytime between 3 – 8pm
Hope to see you all there!

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, PVC mobility as a class
The Port’s snatch warm-up
Emphasis on strong OH position and proper footwork

Power snatch clusters – 1.1.1 (:10/2:00) x5 ; using 80% of 1RM.
Just like last week, make sure you fully understand the expectations. Again, demand perfection in the set-up and execution. I really want you to emphasize the catch position in a power move. Arms should be locked out in the catch, knees bent, legs bent and head through with a really active shoulder position. Make it happen.

“Tortoise and the Hare”
3 rounds
1000m row
800m run
100 DU’s
30 burpees
Partner WOD. Got get it done.

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