Our annual participation in the Nate WOD challenge.
A fundraiser that benefits One Summit – a nonprofit with a mission of building resilience in kids battling cancer through experiential learning and mentorship with U.S. Navy SEALs. Here is how the Challenge works!
We will be asking our members to participate in the hero WOD “Nate” on Tuesday, February 4th. Given that it is an AMRAP, we are asking everyone to make a donation to our team’s page for every round completed. All of the proceeds will benefit One Summit. If you donate fractions of a dollar for each round you complete, we can beat our donation from last year.
Follow the link and sign up now!
Dynamic warm-up and joint mobility session
Then, either 3 rounds w/a barbell
Or gather equipment for WOD
CF Strength
Clean and jerk – 1 power clean and push jerk
Complete 5 sets of 3 non-TnG reps above 70% of your 1RM
So build to 70% in any rep scheme that works for you. Once you get there, complete 3 power cleans (drop after each) and 1 push jerk. Add weight after each successful set, look to complete 5 heavy sets.
“On to the Next One”
16 min AMRAP
600m row
4 barbell complexes (135/95#)(115/75#)
Barbell complex – 3 power clean + 2 front squats + 1 S2OH
Intended stimulus – you are going to have to get comfortable with doing work while you are uncomfortable in this one. There is no reason to push the row, but no matter how you approach it you will get off with an elevated heart rate. Once you go to pick up the bar, that slightly elevated heart rate will turn into a really high heart rate. So be ready for it.
Try to work through each complex efficiently. Meaning you are going to look to go virtually unbroken once you are ready to move the weight. Stay on the bar, do not walk away until you are done with your 4 reps. You do not need water, you do not need chalk. You need to take a deep breath and keep moving.