Look for team series week 1 scores to be up Tuesday morning in the facebook group. Nice job to all teams, so many of you crushed that workout.
Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds
10 ring rows
20 shoulder taps in plank position
:30 bar hang in a very active position
Quick shoulder mobility
Stretch the calves and ankles
Gymnastics skill EMOM 8:
Evens – :10 to :30 handstand hold
Odds – :30 of DU or TRIPLE UNDER practice
Gymnastics day. Work on getting better at these two skills. HS holds should be stacked. Nose and toes only. Always pushing into the ground, truly active shoulders.
Double unders. Handles pointed down, efficient penguin jumps, slap the ground in front of you with your rope.
“Little Cheese”
3 rounds
800m run
20 clean and jerks (155/105#)(135/95#)
Long workout for the week. Think 16 to 20 minutes of paced movement. Weights will probably force singles, so don’t shy away from weight because you want to connect reps. Singles will help you from spiking your heart rate and keep the ability to maintain a solid pace.