WOD – Tuesday 10/11

Food for thought today when attacking the OHS. When you’re working on getting better at something as challenging as an overhead squat, the weight on the bar should make very little difference. The range of motion is the most important thing because it simple creates a more durable body. Very rarely are you going to find a movement in your everyday life that mimics this lift, but it has found its way into our programming because of how it identifies weaknesses in the squat. It is the heart of the snatch, requires proper and efficient transfer of energy from core to extremity, and is key in the promotion of power an speed.

“The overhead squat also demands and develops functional flexibility, and similarly develops the squat by amplifying and cruelly punishing faults in squat posture, movement, and stability. The overhead squat is to midline control, stability, and balance what the clean and snatch are to power” – unsurpassed.

So work on getting better at it today, even if that means you spend a lot of your time with a PVC or an empty bar. A better version of yourself is one that is just a little more comfortable in the bottom of your squat with a barbell over your head.

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then 3 rounds
10 dislocates
5 push-ups
10 OHS
5 pull-ups

OH mobility prep w/2 med balls
Any banded shoulder mobility

A. OHS – find a heavy double in 5 heavy sets
B1. Weighted or GHD sit-ups – 3×15
B2. Dips – 3×10
Two different parts of the strength here. You should really only be spending about 15 min in the OHS portion and then 10 min in the body weight portion. If there isn’t enough time, make sure to fit B1/B2 in as accessory work post class. Athletes with significantly shortened ROM should obviously be subbing in front squats for OHS.
Let’s all remember the coaching cues for the dips, fight for good reps and scale accordingly.

“Ask and you shall receive”
4 rounds
600m run
10 S2OH (185/135#)(155/105#)
15 T2B/K2E
Very heavy S2OH; another example of a weightlifting funnel. Don’t be afraid to pick a weight that they CAN NOT do unbroken.

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