WOD – Tuesday 1/17

Remember PortWeights starts on Thursday. We will be doing a lot of different variations of classic lifts. Banded deadlifts, squats with chains, incline bench press and all the accessory work you can handle. If you’d like to join us either Thursday at 8am or 5:15pm, shoot Sophie an email. There is one spot left in each class.

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then 3 rounds
5 KB strict press – left
10 KBS
5 KB strict press – right

Banded shoulder mobility
10 forearm wall slides

A1. HSPU’s – 5×5
Too easy?! make them strict or add in a deficit
Too hard?! sitting DB strict press, as in sitting on the ground with your legs slightly bent and feet flat on the ground
A2. Rope climbs – 5×1
Too easy?! add a rep or go legless
Too hard?! use the knotted rope, perform 5 ring rows with a pause at the top, or the rope over the rig with 2 C2B progression is great.
Ninja’s can use this time as a strength session. Meaning movements are performed well. They might be hard, but there is no fault in form. Newbies can use it as a skill session. If you cannot complete these movements while hitting all performance cues then take the time to learn these two movements during this strength session.

“Crank Shaft”
5 rounds
20 box jumps (24/20”)
20 KBS (70/53#)
20 wall balls (20/14#)
Simple CrossFit today. Try to go UB for as long as possible.

Accessory Work
3-4 rounds
10 goblet lunges
1:00 in plank positon

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