WOD – Tuesday 2/13

Watching Fred and Lauren leave it all out on the floor was one of the coolest things I’ve seen as a coach. Stepping out of your comfort zone and doing something that intimidating is an amazing thing. Makes me so proud as a coach at the Port. Congrats to Dilan and Anna who took home first place in the scaled division. And a huge congrats to Eric and Ashley who stole the gold away from Lisa and me in the Rx division. What a fun event.

Bingo and the Open. Get those squares done and get signed up.

Sign into Wodify and spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds
10 no squat wall balls (just a dip and drive)
5 inchworms with a scorpion each side
10 push-ups
5 Samson stretches

Shoulder mobility with bar on rack – sink, bully and standing child’s pose

Push press – wave format 3.2.1; x3
You know the deal here. Wave formats always take longer than you think. Create a plan using Wodify and execute based on how you feel. Make sure we are holding ourselves accountable to good form. Especially in the dip and drive. 90% of the time you miss a push press its because your dip and drive got lazy. Understand what perfect form feels like and make sure you maintain it all the way through.

“Mr. Fix-it”
14 min AMRAP
21 Russian KBS (70/53#)(53/35#)
15 T2B
6 burpee box jump overs (24/20”)
Simple, but very gymnastic heavy. Use the scaling option that allows you to keep moving, but still requires a high level of intensity.

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