WOD – Tuesday 2/28

Spend 2 minutes with a lax ball on the shoulders
Then hop on a bike or rower for 2 minutes
2 rounds
10 Russian KBS
15 push-ups
20 walking lunges
:30 plank hold

Banded shoulder mobility
Quick ankle and hamstring mobility

OH complex – 1 push press + 1 push jerk + 1 split jerk
Find a max weight for the complex, from the rack.
*15 min max

“A Perfect Circle”
4-5 rounds
5 power cleans (185/125#)(155/105#)
15 wall balls
15/12 cals on AB
45 DU’s
Rest 2:00
Long WOD, so plan accordingly. Only those of you who maintain times will be allowed to do an additional round.

Accessory Work
Banded tricep push downs – 1×100
Banded high pulls – 1×80

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