WOD – Tuesday 2/7

Wow, I still can’t get over that game. What a win. What a team. 2017 Superbowl Champions!!!

There are 3 pieces to today’s class. If you are running out of time the strength can be done after the WOD, but that’s on you because there should be plenty of time to get everything in. Work efficiently and stay focused.

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then 2 rounds
50′ bear crawl
10 burpees

HS walking for 10 minutes – with progressions introduced by a coach
Come prepared to work on your weaknesses. There are some good progressions for HS walking that start with simple holds against the wall, shoulder taps against the wall, or some drills where you are piked on a box. See a coach and be effective for 10 minutes.

A1. Crunch to dead bug – 3×10
A2. GHD back extensions – 3×10
*alternate between movements
**A1 is done w/KB or plate
Learn em’, love em’.

“Hidden Fleas”
10:00 AMRAP
1000m row
With time remaining;
10 hang squat cleans (115/75#)(95/65#)
10 OtB burpees
10 pull-ups
Short and fast, you will have between 6 and 4 minutes in the workout part.

Accessory Work
100 banded leg extensions

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