WOD – Tuesday 4/17

TABATA warm-up as a group – :20 of work/:10 of rest
Alternate between the two movements
Air squats

Lat and shoulder mobility

A1. Weighted pull-ups – 5×3
A2. Weighted bar dips – 5×5
Both sections should be done AHAP; across.
The weighted dips should be done by those who can achieve full ROM. If you are not hitting proper depth, see a coach for scaling options.

“Tom Foolery”
4 rounds
30 air squats
20/15 cal row
10 burpee box jump overs (24/20”)
And away we go. Nothing to it. No rest so plan your pace accordingly. Be smart here.

Cool Down
Get outside for a cool down run.
THen spend 1:00 in the pigeon, spiderman, and couch stretch

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