PortFit classes have been a huge hit. The next session of The Port’s specialty course will be devoted to gymnastics and this Thursday is the first class of this new session. If have already signed up, be ready for some serious gymnastic knowledge. If you haven’t, there are still a few spots left. The 6 weeks of this specialty course will help you with all things gymnastics. Including, but not limited to; pull-ups, muscle-ups, T2B, HS/HSPU’s, and rope climbs. Many of the classes will be station based and allow each person to focus on their weaknesses and therefore help you achieve your gymnastic goals. If you are interested in signing up or have any questions, please email Sophie.
Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds w/mobility done in between
Round 1
10 deadlifts
10 strict press
Round 2
8 power cleans
8 push press
8t front rack lunges
Round 3
6 power clean and split jerks
8 min EMOM
Weightlifting complex – 2 power cleans + 1 split jerk
Using what we have learned over the last 4 weeks of EMOM’s, let’s see what we can handle today. Cleans must be TnG and the jerk must be a split jerk. You will be getting much less rest time per minute so plan wisely.
“It’s gonna be May”
4 min AMRAP
20t walking lunges
15 cals on the rower
10 hang power cleans (135/95#)(115/75#)
5 box jump overs
Rest 1:00, x3
Gas pedal.
Cool down
Banded shoulder mobility – 3 minutes
Foam roller – 3 minutes