WOD – Tuesday 6/4

I hope you all had a great start to June. Remember we are fighting to be featured as one of Seacoast Best of 2019. If you have a chance follow the link and nominate The Port for the top fitness facility. It would really mean a lot.

Click here for the link.

Spend 2 min in Z1
Then, PVC mobility as a class
The Port snatch warm-up with emphasis on the full and hang position

CF Strength
Weightlifting complex – 1 snatch + 1 hang snatch
There are no defined rules here in terms of power vs squat but like I always say, you’re not going to get better unless you work on your weaknesses. If you are someone who struggles with the squat snatch, make one of them squat. Can I recommend the hang snatch? Finding a new 1RM might not be the best approach here. Maybe, just maybe, keeping the load light and dialing in your form will help you improve in the long run.

CF Skill
Not a full skill session, but more of a time to go through the progressions introduced by your coaches and find the one that is going to work for you. Make sure they are challenging enough to slow you down a bit, but not so hard that you are failing reps later in the workout.

“Covert Ops” BMU’s cals AB
(ladies do 4/8/12/16/18)
So the bar muscle-ups go down and the cals on the bike go up. If you are someone who can do BMU’s but cannot string together large sets, scale the number of reps per round. The gymnastics piece should not take you more than 2 minutes a round. So be smart and keep moving. The same goes for the bike, if you can’t get the calories done at a reasonable rate, simply cut the calories down. This workout is going to have a 15-minute time cap.

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