WOD – Tuesday 6/14

3 rounds with partner
200m run with light wall ball
10t wall balls with partner
10t sit ups with partner
*stipulation is you move, when your partner does. They squat in the wall ball, you squat in the wall ball.

Banded oly wall stretch
Move into wall hamstring stretch
With a PVC
10 dislocates
10 good mornings (can use empty bar)

A1. Strict press – find a heavy single in 6 attempts
“Those that fail to plan, plan to fail.”
Example of a “plan” – 1×55%, 1×65%, 1×75%, 1×85%, 1×95%, 1×100+%
A2. Weighted sit-ups: 15 to 20

“Rumble in the Jungle”
Partner WOD
20 min AMRAP
200m run
20 wall balls (20/14#)
P1 does full round and then tags P2.

Cool Down
Spend 5 minutes in recovery mode

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