WOD – Tuesday 6/20

There have been some huge success stories coming out of the Lurong Challenge. I hope all of you who committed to those 6 weeks learned from the experience and took away some valuable lifelong, healthy habits. If you are interested in discussing nutrition, do not hesitate to ask. Whether your goals are to lose weight, gain weight or transform some fat to muscle, all of your coaches have found success in working on their diets in one way or another. One of my favorite quotes about healthy eating decribes how you can always “survive an unhealthy diet, but you’ll never thrive”.

Spend 2 minutes on a jump rope – Practice those DU’s!
Then, 2 rounds
10 hanging knee raises
10t KB push press w/:02 pause at the top
10e SA KBS
10 pull-ups or ring rows

Spend 2 minutes with a lax ball
Spend 3 minutes with a band

Push press – bizarro wave;
3×3@75% and up, 3×2@85% and up, 3×1@90% and up
Instead of building in a wave format, we will build in sets of 3, then sets of 2 and eventually singles. It’s a tricky way to build to a really heavy single while accumulating a good deal of volume. Good day to reinvest in the important aspects of the push press while also determining a relative weight to use for your percentage work next week.

3 min AMRAP
1 power clean (155/105#)(135/95#)
1 hang power clean
1 round of mini “Cindy”
3 pull-ups
6 push-ups
9 air squats
Rest 1:00, x5
This one’s going to be fun…
Always start over when the mini AMRAP is over each time. The power clean should be challenging but manageable, think between 50 and 65% at the most. Score will be total reps per round, go crush it!

Cool Down
Spend 2 minutes with a lax ball
Spend 3 minutes with a band

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