WOD – Tuesday 7/11

We are destroying these calories on the bike. Keep it up.

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Foam foller and PVC mobility
Then, CFP snatch warm-up

Weightlifting complex – 1 snatch + 1 hang snatch
More experienced athletes should be squat snatching. Beginners should focus on the pull and stay power.

“Who Dis?”
250m row
50 air squats
25 power snatches (95/65#)(75/55#)
500m row
50 walking lunges
20 S20H
750m row
50 T2B
15 OHS
This one is going to take some time. Time cap is always 20:00. The T2B are going to be a kick in the crotch. However, you must keep moving, so keep the barbell on the lighter side. And scaling the T2B must be challenging but still manageable.

Cool Down
Spend 2 minutes with a lax ball on the shoulders
20 banded pull aparts

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