WOD – Tuesday 8/13

Dynamic warm-up focused on hips, knees and ankles.
Then, 3 rounds with 2 DB’s
10 DB deadlifts
10 DB hang cleans
10 DB front squats
8 DB cleans
8 DB front squats
6 DB squat cleans

Burn Strength
KB front rack lunges – 5x10t; AHAP

Burn WOD
“Half Wall”
100/80 cal row
80 wall balls
60 sit-ups
40 box jumps overs
20 DB KB OH walking lunge (50/35#)(40/25#)
20 min time cap
Chipper alert. Have a plan going into this one. Where are you going to break up the movements to take a break? Stronger movements can be pushed, while weaker ones will need to be paced a little more. Your legs will be the target muscle group so be ready to feel that fatigue and don’t forget to keep breathing.

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