WOD – Tuesday 8/28

Wodify was a mess for almost the entire day yesterday, so if you didn’t get a chance to enter your data for the total I would take some time to do so. Also, if you PRed one or all of your lifts, ask a coach how to put them in separately so the numbers are there for you if you need them. When you need them.

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 2 rounds
10 wall balls
10 sit-ups

Mini yoga session

A1. Bent over row – 4x8e
A2. Weighted push-ups – 4×8
A3. OH tricep ext – 4×8
All should be done AHAP
Some accessory work after such a heavy day yesterday. Make these dumbbells AHAP and take the time to prioritize full ROM and quality movement. Non-sexy movements are the ones that make you really sexy.

“Break it in Easy”
15 min AMRAP
45 DU’s
35t walking lunges
25/20 cals row
Great WOD. Sweaty and simple. Good day back after going ham on the barbells yesterday. Go after this one from the very beginning and try to hold on. Make sure you walk on these lunges unless an injury prevents you from doing so. Reverse lunges should help alleviate pressure on the knees if needed.

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