WOD – Tuesday 8/16

Pizza game – 4 min AMPAP (get it?!)
Group mobility with a PVC
Then, CFP snatch warm-up

Anything you might need individually – hips, ankles, shoulders or hamstrings

6 min EMOM – 3 position snatch
*use a weight that’s challenging
**start at the high hang, then hang, then from the floor. Drop the bar between the hang and full to work on proper set up.

“Prepare for Glory”
20 min AMRAP
15 Russian KBS (70/53#)(53/35#)
1:00 on the rower
15 wall balls (20/14#)
1:00 of DU’s
*score is total # of cals + total # of DU’s
**the minutes are a free for all, singles if you can’t do doubles. KB should be heavy, they are only Russian swings

Coaches choice

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