Don’t forget, a new session of PortFit is starting this Thursday. We will be using our fitness at different locations in Portsmouth. Could be a track workout, could be a hill workout, could even be a beach WOD. There are still spots left and the bigger the group the better. Email Sophie for more information or to get your name on the list.
Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds
5 strict pull-ups or ring rows
10e reverse lunges
10 v-ups
Banded shouldr mobility
2-3 rounds; time and athlete dependent
A1. Front rack, kneeling to standing – 16t; AHAP
*with 2 KB’s in the front rack position, go from a kneeling to standing position alternating the lead foot each rep. Make sure you stay tight and keep your shoulders over their hips. The most common mistake is to lean forward in an attempt to stand up. These do not need to be heavy to be effective, so be smart and focus on perfect movement.
A2. Bottoms up KB press – 3x8e AHAP
*KB is inverted. You are in a seated position on the ground with your legs out in front. One arm at a time. Core engaged.
A3. Top of the dip hold – on the rings, :30 to 1:00
*top of a dip position, feet out in front holding a hollow position. Keep those rings close and your arms fully locked out.
25 min AMRAP
600m run
20 wall balls (20/14#)
15 burpee box jump overs (24/20”)
10 T2B
Remember what everyone does on BBJO’s?
Cool Down
Runners cool down; foam roll the legs and stretch the Achilles.