WOD – Tuesday 8/9

Spend 2 min in Z1
3 rounds
2 Turkish get-ups
5 pull-ups
10 dips
15 air squats

10 wall squats
1 min goblet squat
1 min pole squat
1 on each calf/achilles

A1. Back Squat (3×8)
Again, think about hitting one big set of 8 and then 2 drop sets around 90%.
*trying to add weight to last week
A2. 250m row between each set @40% effort, x4
*the row is meant to simply clear the legs for the next set, recovery pace here

“Mnt. Olympus”
4 rounds
10/8 cals AB
10 clean and jerks (135/95#)(115/75#)
10 box jumps
Rest 1:30 b/n

Cool Down
Spend 5 minutes with recovery as focus

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