WOD – Wednesday 1/2

Make sure you look back to yesterday’s blog post for the weekly accessory work.

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 5 min AMRAP of banded movment
10/10 banded plank walks
10 banded push-ups
10 banded ring rows

Shoulder mobility

A1. Strict press –
A2. Strict pull-ups – weighted or unweighted but not UB
You can really use your experience with the benchmark workout, Lynne, that we did last week to establish a plan here. Given it is an OH press and not a bench press, the weight will be different. But having a baseline might help push you in the right direction. The pull-ups can be weighted or unweighted. But if they are to be unweighted you must increase the reps.

“The Bounty”
16 min AMRAP
40 DU’s
20 sit-ups
15 air squats
10 push-ups
5 strict pull-ups
All bodyweight. So the tendency is to slam the gas pedal and allow the wheels to come off. Virtuosity is going to be the theme of the day. Do the common, uncommonly well. Hold yourselves accountable to perfect movement and full ROM. Do not cut corners to go faster, more reps aren’t more reps when they aren’t actually reps.

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