WOD – Wednesday 10/24

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 2 or 3 rounds with ascending weight
10 deadlifts
10 bent over rows
10 strict press

Quick mobility blast

10 min EMOM
Evens – 5 deadlifts
Odds – 5 strict press
We have done this strength before but we were benching as opposed to pressing. Finding a weight that will work for each 5×5 is really important. Think around 75% for your weights. A little below or a little above will be just fine based on the athlete, but warm up and really try to dial in before the EMOM starts.

“Cowboy Up”
20 min AMRAP
500/400m row
15 T2B
12t KB front rack walking lunges (53/35#)(44/26#)
Rest :60 after every round
Very grippy and will really prioritize good, efficient movement. Making time to allow for good set-up and warm-up for each movement is going to really help. So really think about what is going to help you hold a relatively high intensity throughout the entire 20 minutes.

Accessory Work
Renegade rows – accumulate 50
GHD sit-ups – accumulate 75

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