WOD – Wednesday 10/7

400m run
Then, 3 rounds
10 banded dislocates
10 banded pull-aparts
10 Russian KBS
10t lunges

A1. Strict pull-ups – cluster format. Pick a number you can repeat and sustain. Example 3.3, x4; rest :20 between each set
A2. SA DB strict press – 4x8e

A1. Ring rows or seated pull-ups – cluster format. Pick a number you can repeat and sustain. Example 6.6, x4; rest :20 between each set
A2. SA DB strict press – 4x8e

All tracks
5 rounds
15 KBS
15 push-ups
15 KB front rack step-ups

Fathom – moderate workout today
Gear – should feel sustainable the entire time. No spikes in the breathing or heart rate during the whole 5 rounds
Knots – really not much to talk about here today. Focus on good movement and full ROM the whole day today. Let that be your priority instead of a speedy finish.
Current – all in yo square

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