WOD – Wednesday 11/29

This is the longest I have been away from the gym since I was brought on as a coach 4 plus years ago. It has been hard. I miss seeing your sweaty, smiling faces every day. I have been trying to include some coaching cues that I would use if I was actually working. Make sure you brief over them. Maybe they might help.

Just the WOD today, with a 35 min time cap. Going to take some serious gumption to stay focused and get through this one. But I believe in you.

3 rounds
200m row
15 hollow rocks
10 PVC thrusters

Group mobility session and WOD breifing

“Too good at goodbyes”
4 rounds
750m row
50 sit-ups
25 wall balls (20/14#)
Rest 3:00
35:00 cap
Really long workout. You will get capped if you do not have a plan of attack. Keep your eye on the clock, and monitor your breathing/heart rate. A 7 minute round with rest won’t get you there. So you must keep moving. Shouldn’t be a hard one to do, meaning none of the movements are technically difficult, but pace is going to play a huge role. Pushing even a little bit more will help you get a much lower time with very not very much extra effort needed.

Something I try to bring up during longer rows is what difference it makes to stay focused on your screen. It is easy sometimes to start wandering while you start to sit into a longer row. Even looking around for 20 seconds might take you way off your pace. Try to keep your gaze on the monitor and make sure you are pulling and the pace you want to be. The whole time.

Accessory Work
3 rounds, not for time but for quality
10t front rack lunges
10 SA KB push press

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