WOD – Wednesday 1/11

So I know the change from singles to doubles has been a tough transition for some, but trust me, when you finally get the hang of DU’s, you will thank me. The jump rope will not play a major role in a WOD anytime soon. But that doesn’t mean it cannot come out during your warm-up to work on cleaning up a few things. The video below does a really good job of explaining a few things that have really helped me dial in my double under’s, so give it a watch and try to implement some of the techniques described.

Watch this – Mikko’s take on the DU

Start with a lax ball on the shoulders – 1 minute a side
Then 4 minutes of banded shoulder mobility
Spend 2 minutes in Z1
2 rounds with an empty bar
10 strict press
10 front squats
10 bent over rows

A1. Push press cluster – 1.1.1 x4; ascending in weight after each cluster. Aim for higher than your 3RM
A2. Pull-ups – 15 reps; as hard as you can make them, x3
Let’s make sure we review the important performance cues for the push press. There is a lot that needs to happen for us to hit our true 3RM today. Take the time to relearn the foundation and apply those important pieces during your strength piece.

CrossFit Open WOD 14.4
14 min AMRAP
60 cals on the rower
50 T2B
40 wall balls (20/14#)
30 cleans (135/95#)(115/75#)
20 muscle-ups
We will be doing an “open style” workout every week or so leading up to D-day. This was the 4th workout released in 2014. A very memorable one because you either got your first muscle up or spent 4 minutes trying. He’s to redemption!

Cool Down
Spend 5 minutes on recovery

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