WOD – Wednesday 11/30

“Dedication means staying committed to what you said you were going to do long after the mood you said it in has left you.”

7 min AMRAP
2 min in Z1, then with time remaining;
5 burpees
10 kips
15 OH squats w/PVC
20’ bear crawl

Banded shoulder mobility

A1. Strict press – 4×6; all working sets
A2. Chin ups – 4×5; not weighted, perfect
Chin ups, not pull-ups. Switch the grip! Physiologically, it’s important to change the grip on these every once and while to ensure the entire shoulder capsule is getting worked and stays healthy. Play with the width of your hands as well here.

“The Beast Inside
4 rounds
750m row
35 Russian KBS (70/53#)(53/35#)
Longer, Aerobic piece for the week. Think UB on these swings, it will be hard, but going a bit heavier on a KB is a safe way of stepping outside your comfort zone.

Cool Down
Lax ball on the shoulders for 2 minutes each side
10t banded pull aparts

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