WOD – Wednesday 12/19

Remember, we are trying to help out the food pantry tomorrow from 10:15 to 11:15. One hour only. If you can break away for even 30 minutes we could really use the hands.

5 min AMRAP of
10/8 cals AB (increasing in intensity)
10e SA KB high pulls
10 push-ups

Mini band or mini plate shoulder prep

Strict chin-ups – 3×5, 3×3 and then 3×1; add weight if possible
Flip the grip and grab some weight. Even if that means a 2.5# or 5# plate. See if you can add weight as the reps drop. Remember to be active in your grip on the rig and hanging position before you start your pull.

“The Scenic Route”
1 mile bike
1000m row
Rest 3:00, x3
Not something we do very often, but some longer monostructural work deserves a place in our programming as well. Remember the goal as always is consistency. So see if you can make all three rounds stay within :30 seconds of each other.

There has been a lot of talk about pacing on the bike and rower. Given how the machine throws a lot of numbers at you it is important to understand a couple of things.
1. There is a no differences between rowing/biking for calories and rowing/biking for meters. You do not move the damper to 10 for calories and lower for meters. You should be at one setting and still prioritize good mechanics. With a slightly longer distance you want to think about maintaining a pace that allows you to keep your heart rate and breathing under control by watching your stroke rate or RPM’s. But stronger pulls or mini sprints are not going to help you today.

2. Despite what your machine says, nothing is a better measure of effort than what you perceive. Just because your rower or bike says something, doesn’t mean that is the ultimate guide. Use your best judgment when working through this WOD. Yes having a pace in mind will be important, but changing your plan might also be important because of how you feel in the moment. eKeep your heart rate and breathing in check.

Accessory Work
3 rounds
10 DB bench press
20 banded pull-aparts

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