WOD – Wednesday 2/15

Last week before the CrossFit Open. Settle into your teams it is going to be a wild ride. If you are not on a team and are second guessing that choice, talk to myself or Sophie we might be able to change that.

Bye, bye old rowers. Hello, brand new rowers.

As you can see, we have upgraded all of the old rowers to brand new ones. That means you need to make more of an effort to take care of them so they last. After every workout, each rower should be wiped down (screen, seat, handle and rail) and put away properly (the oar is back and the screen is down and protected). If we all spend an extra 2 minutes, these rowers should stay in perfect condition for a long time. Coaches will make sure to remind you of this, I am sure.

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then 2 rounds
10 KBS
20t walking lunges
10 push-ups

Posterior chain prep, wrist and ankle mobility

8 min EMOM
1 power clean EMOM; building. Start around 75% and add weight slowly.

Deadlift (225/155#)(205/140#)
*benchmark day; make sure you warm up for this workout appropriately. If you are going to Rx this workout, make sure your first deadlift at 225# isn’t the first one in the workout. Spend time with both movements and be ready when the clock starts.

Breathing Work
500m row x3 w/2:00 between each
Post class, make sure you are holding a pace that is challenging, but sustainable.

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