And here we go. Teams are set and captains are prepping their ships. The trash talking has already started and it has been some of the best I have seen. Very excited about another year. Don’t forget Friday Night Lights starts at 4:15 and ends around 6:15 depending. Come in early, sign up for a heat, get warmed up and ready to go. You know the entire pink team is going to be there, are you?!
Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then 3 rounds
5 inchworms
10 OHS
*start w/a PVC, end w/a BB
Lax ball on the shoulders
Keg drill
OHS wave – 3.2.1, x3
Understand the point of a wave. Make a plan and go after it. Full ROM is more important than weight on the bar, keep that in mind. Always.
“Issues Part 2”
3-4 rounds
42 DU’s
21/15 cals on AB
15 OtB burpees
9 clean and jerks (135/95#)(115/75#)
6 box jumps (30/24”)(24/20”)
*C&J must be UB, step down on BJ’s
Rest 3:00
Keeping track of each round, you are only allowed to continue on to the 4th round if you are sustaining a pace. Nothing to this one, but each station should allow for constant movement. No stopping until the rest. So scale accordingly.
Accessory Work
3 rounds
10 sit-ups (weighted or GHD)
10 back ext.