WOD – Wednesday 3/4

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, work through 2 rounds of the barbell warm-up
5 deadlifts
5 high pulls
5 hang muscle cleans
5 hang power cleans

Hamstring and front rack mobility

Hang power clean – find a heavy triple for the day

“The Other Side”
4 min AMRAP
Buy in – 100 DU
Then, AMRAP with time remaining
10 T2B
10 hang power cleans (135/95#)(115/75#)
Rest 2:00, x3
Intended stimulus – time to move. The double under will prove to be quite the entry fee for most of us. If 100 is a lot, cut the number down so you are spending no more than 2:00 with your jump rope. That gives you a lot of lee way if you are someone who really wants to get better at them, but not too much where if they are going badly, you won’t get any time on the barbell. Since you are going to get 2 minutes off, you might want to hold a slightly higher pace than the 2 previous workouts this week.

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