WOD – Wednesday 6/19

4 min AMRAP
10 DB push jerks left
50’ waiters carry left
10 DB push jerks right
50’ waiters carry right
10 goblet squats

Should mobility with light banded or monster bands

Push jerk – 3.2.1 wave format
Waves are the best. They introduce a ton of volume, if built correctly they help lead you towards a goal weight and they are fun to complete. However, they take up some serious time. So get warmed up, get stretched out, grab a whiteboard, check Wodify and make a plan. Here is a percentage wave that might help you build yours. But understand that your body will tell you where its ready to go and how heavy it is ready to lift today.

3’s 2’s 1’s
70% 80% 85%
80% 85% 90%
85% 90% 95% and up

“Trigger Happy”
200 DU’s
1500/1200m row
100 air squats
50/40 cals AB
Repeat alert – 1/16
Look back to see what you got, how you approached it and how you might be able to improve this time around. If you didn’t put any of that into Wodify, now is a good time to start.

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