WOD – Wednesday 6/8

Mike Mc.

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 2 rounds
10 v-ups or tuck-ups
10 OHS w/PVC
10 push-ups

10 dislocates
10 good mornings with PVC
First Rib A with PVC – 1 min on each side
Use box or racked bar, place elbows on on surface and shoot head between arms

A1. Push Press – find a 5RM + 1×5@90%
*look to add weight from last time
A2. Pull-ups – 4 or 5 sets of 6 to 10 reps
Make them hard, and switch them up.
1. Muscle ups
2. Strict C2B
3. Strict pull-ups
4. Banded pull-ups
5. Piked ring rows
6. Ring rows
7. Bent-over rows

“It’s Electric”
3 rounds
400m run
10 power cleans (135/95#)(115/75#)
10t front rack lunges
This front rack is heavy. It is only 10t, but be smart and scale appropriately!

Accessory work
5-7 minutes of core focus

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