WOD – Wednesday 7/25

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds
10e KB strict press
10 RKB
10e KB bent over rows

Quick shoulder mobility session

A1. Strict press –; all close to ME sets
A2. Weighted pull-ups –; building to a heavy single
*if you cannot add weight, accumulate 20 reps (assisted or not) using a 3131 tempo.
Both are building to a heavy single, but the triples and doubles should be as close to ME as possible.
Create a plan that is going to challenge you and get after it. Do not just walk through this strength. The more you put into it, the more you are going to get out of it. Ever seen that chart?

If we give 1% more effort every day, our abilities can grow almost 38 times over the course of a year.
When we slack off 1% every day, our abilities diminish greatly over the course of a year. (to 0.03 of our original ability)
Is this principle literally true? Probably not. You are not going to be running 38 times faster from spending 1% more time training every day, and you’re not going to be a weakling a year later if you slack off 1% of the time. However, the general principle holds — pushing yourself just that 1% more beyond your previous limit every day can have a huge exponential effect over time — and the reverse holds if you slack off!

“Inch by Inch”
Cals AB (ladies 24/16/8)
Box jumps (24/20″)
Not going to be as much of a sprint as yesterday, but a harder push than Monday. Going to be tricky to find a pace that will keep the heart rate in the appropriate range. What’s your plan?

Accessory Work
400m cool down run
ME foam rolling session

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