The Port OH mobility warm-up
Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, w/a barbell 2 rounds
6 bent-over rows
6 push press
6 barbell bicep curls
20 banded pull-aparts
Foam roll the lats – 1:00 each side
10 chicken wings each side
Push press – 3×8; building off last week
You know the deal here.
3 min AMRAP
20/15 cals AB
ME burpee pull-ups
Rest 2:00, x4
Set up the burpee pull-ups so that the bar is 6” above your fingertips when fully reaching OH. If you need to burpee and then step up onto something in order for it to work, use small boxes or 45# plate. Score will be the total number of burpee pull-ups.
Accessory Work
3-5 rounds
Tricep push downs – 10-15
High to low, half kneeling wood chops – 10-15e