WOD – Wednesday 7/26

The Port OH mobility warm-up
Spend 2 minutes in Z1
20 banded pull-aparts
Foam roll the lats – 1:00 each side
10 chicken wings each side
Then, w/a barbell 2 rounds
6 bent-over rows
6 push press
6 barbell bicep curls

Push press – 3×6; using week 1 weight
*slight deload for the shoulders, make sure to stick to the numbers
Make sure you allow your shoulders a week of recovery. So look back to week one, put that weight on the bar and complete 3 sets of 6 with the same weight. It’s going to feel on the light side, but it should.

“Mission Possible”
4 rounds
:40 on/:20 off
DB cleans (50/35)
Cals on AB
Box jumps
Cals on rower
Working for :40, transitioning and resting for :20 through each of the 4 exercises. No rest beyond those :20. Grab 3 other partners and start in a different spot. That way everyone will get a fair shot at dumbbells. Score will be total reps at the end.
Coaches note – it is really easy to work way too hard on these DB’s cleans. Before the workout starts, work on your form and make sure you are bending your knees at the top so you are not burning out your shoulders.

Accessory Work
Banded high pulls – accumulate 100
Banded hammer curls – accumulate 100

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