WOD – Wednesday 8/3

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds nice and slow
10 good mornings
10 strict press
10 back squats
10 push-ups

Individual mobility based on the strength; chest and posterior chain
Those of you who will being doing the AB test or the acc work first can get right into it.
Those of you who are starting with the EMOM should take another 3-5 minutes to mobilize.

10 min EMOM
Evens – 5 deadlifts
Odds – 5 bench press
AHAP for both 5×5’s

Breathing Work
10 min AB test
10 min on the AB for max calories
*this is a tough one to pace, but you should really try to push this one

Accessory work
3-4 rounds
15 weighted sit-ups
50′ waiters carry each arm
8e DB SA row (AHAP)
1:00 plank hold

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