WOD – Wednesday 8/9

Take the first 3 minutes of class and foam roll the lats.
Then, spend 2 minutes in Z1
20 banded pull-aparts
2 rounds with a barbell
6 bent over rows
6 push press
6 bicep curls

Push press – 3×6; must be heavier than week 4 (7/19)
Not much time left in this strength cycle either. Make sure you have a plan to hit more weight than our last set of 6’s. Work hard now, it will pay off later.

3 rounds
500m row
30 push-ups
15 front squats (135/95#)(115/75#)
Weight on the front squats should force most of us to break up the sets. Do not scale the weight as to go unbroken. This one will go too fast if that’s the case. Take the time to find an appropriate weight, it will make the difference mid-WOD.

Accessory Work
Hollow hold, banded pull-overs – accumulate 50
Banded high pulls – accumulate 80

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