WOD – Wednesday 9/23

2 rounds
200m run
10 thoracic rotations
10 banded dislocates
10 banded push-ups

A1. Bench press – 2/3×5
This means 2 sets should be used to build as close to a max effort weight as possible, then 3 across at that number.
A2. DB rolling tricep extensions – 5×8

A1. SA DB bench press – 5×8 w/tempo, :03 negative
A2. DB rolling tricep extensions – 5×8

All Tracks
14 min AMRAP
200m run
30 wall balls
20 hollow rocks

Fathom – 14 min AMRAP means we need to hold it together for 14 minutes
Gear – start in 3rd gear, end in 3rd gear
Knots – no sprinting today, but challenge yourself with big sets of the wall balls and hollow rocks
Current – in from the run, into your wall balls, then into your square

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