WOD – Wednesday 9/6

Remember, our next session of Olympic lifting class, PortWeights, is starting next Thursday, September 14th. There will be both an 8am and 5:15 session which will have two different tracks. The first will be a very instructional class devoted to improving your clean, jerk and snatch. Each class will include a whiteboard session, a warm-up and then 20 to 30 minutes of drills built to help break down the movements and learn the intricacies of Olympic lifting.

The second track, for those that have completed the first, will be able to come in and warm-up on their own and then complete a program written especially for that class under the watchful eye of a coach. Accessory drills will be videoed and reviewed each class in an attempt to work on weaknesses and clean up technique.

If you are interested, spots are filling up, email Sophie.

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds
10e KB clean and presses (strict, push and jerks)
10 goblet squats

Foam roller on the lats
Keg drill

Weightlifting complex – 1 hang clean + 1 push press + 1 push jerk
Kind of a cool way to do shoulders. Bar starts on the ground. Power or squat clean. Find a max weight.

“Out of my League”
14 min AMRAP
250m row
15 push-ups
10 hang cleans (95/65#)(75/55#)
2 wall climbs
The wall climb. You know it. You love it. Hold tension as the most important priority. Don’t get sloppy. Starts with chest on the ground, ends with chest on the ground.

Accessory Work
Banded reverse hypers – 60 to 80t
Banded high pulls – 60 to 80t

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