Intramural Open sign-ups are up front. Please get your name on the list so you are drafted to a team. We had an absolute blast with it last year, so don’t miss out. The workouts will be scalable and approachable for everyone so, in my mind, there is really no excuse not to join in on the fun.
Start with a lax ball on the shoulder
Then banded mobility – 3 positions
Spend 2 minutes in Z1
And accumulate
20 push-ups
20 ring rows
Set up or the split jerk
Movement specific drills based on the strength
Split jerk – work up to your heavy double
Off the rack; really work on nailing down the footwork before adding any weight. A very beneficial drill would be to chalk your feet. Coaches will go over this in class but the more you prioritize perfection, the better your lifts will be today.
3 to 4 rounds
30 wall balls (20/14#)
20 T2B
10 power cleans (155/105#)(135/95#)
*to be able to complete the fourth round, your first three must be very consistent. If your times are dropping off and the last round has lost some intensity, cut it off after 3 rounds. 15:00 time cap will be enforced.
Cool Down
Spend 5 minutes on a foam roller before you go