WOD – Thursday 3/9

PortX = my version of “orange theory” just better…
Can I say that?
Session 1, March 16th. Reserve your spot.

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then a little PVC mobility
CFP snatch warm-up

Weightlifting complex – 1 power snatch + 1 OHS
*18 minutes to build with your partner
While doing the CFP Snatch w/u today, try to translate the skills into the lifts. Determine the weaknesses and help fix them by working on the most basic version of the movement. You cannot build a strong house on a weak foundation.

Teams of equal size on bikes
8 rounds on AB for max cals
:15 hard/1:30 off
Bike with the most cals at the end of the 8 rounds wins. Who wants to wear the Championship belt?

Accessory Work
Mandatory Accessory Work
800m run
40 T2B
The aerobic piece of the day, right into high-skill gymnastics with elevated HR. Love that shit.

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